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DAQ-16 $995
16 Bit Analog Input Board for IBM or Compatibles

DAQ-16 16 bit analog input card

The DAQ-16 is a complete 16-bit data acquisition system consisting of eight differential analog input channels, two 12-bit analog output channels, four digital output channels, four digital input channels, and three 16-bit programmable timer/counters. The analog input ranges from ▒25 mV to ▒10 V in bipolar mode, or 0 to 25 mV to 0 to 10 V in unipolar mode with jumper selectable gain of 1, 10, or 100. The analog output has a unipolar range from 0 to 5 volts and a bipolar range of ▒5 volts. The maximum sampling rate for the A/D input is 100 kHz, while the fastest data rate for the D/A output is greater than 200 kHz.

Software support for the DAQ-16 includes drivers for DOS and Microsoft Windows and interface to LABTECH Notebook Menu driven data acquisition software is also provided.

The included software drivers provide support for various programming languages such as Microsoft C/C++, QuickBasic, and Turbo Pascal. A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is furnished for programming most languages under Microsoft Windows. As an option, Visual Basic Controls (VBX) called VISUALDAQ are also available.

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Copy (to your hard drive) Daqsuite Software (includes drivers for DOS, Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 and DAQEZ application)

View an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).

View the DAQ-16 operator's manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).

View the Daqdrive Software manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).

View the Daqdrive Supplemental manual now! (requires Acrobat Reader).

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